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About Haya


"... The fundamental intention of creation is to transform darkness into light."

 ~ Rabbi Hillel Paritcher (1795-1864)

Haya Baker, M.A. is a lifelong trailblazer of conscious evolution. She is the founder of Heart Homecoming and Divine Integration Healing.


For several decades, with G-d’s help, Haya has been supporting individuals and groups worldwide as they come home to their hearts, to find their beloved Creator ever awaiting them ... They thrive to contribute their unique soul light to the holy symphony of life!

Upon graduating with honors from Columbia University and completing her M.A. at N.Y.U. in Environmental Education, Haya chose to dedicate her life to supporting the inner human environment. For the last several decades, she has been developing, facilitating and teaching individuals prayer-based, body-mind conscious healing and transformation for a new era of "Geula" redemption. 


Haya's Heart Homecoming and Divine Integration Healing are unique modalities which draw upon principles of Somatic work, Mindfulness, Logotherapy, Energy Psychology, Ecology and other natural sciences. 

Her greatest inspiration however, comes from the holy wisdom of the Torah, as passed down through the ages by our prophets and sages.

This is a turning point in history.
We are at a threshold of wondrous new inner frontiers…
Bring heaven to earth, starting from within!

Heart Homecoming | | Prayer | Mindfulness | Geula |

Haya resides in the Judean Hills, near Jerusalem. With gratitude to the Master of the Universe, Haya is a proud, busy mother of seven blessed children and a grandmother to another growing generation of unique miracles.

Haya Baker:
• Founder -  Divine Integration Healing, Heart Homecoming 
• B.A. Cum Laude - Columbia University, N.Y. , N.Y. 
• M.A. Environmental Education - New York University 
• Certified Energy Healer - Reidman College, Tel Aviv, Israel 
• Certified Logotherapist Educator - Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, Abilene, Texas 
• Counseling in the Spirit of Torah and Chasidut  - Certified, Orchaya: The World Center for the Jewish Woman, Jerusalem 
• Certified Emotional Success Coach - Teder Center, Israel   
• Certified Couples Coach - Teder Center, Israel 
• Certified Coach - CCIL Israel        

Are you ready to shine your light through your own Heart Homecoming?

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 You belong. You are loved. You are here to illuminate. Start from within...


  Heart Homecoming

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